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Determining Liability for a Slip and Fall Accident

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Slip and Fall Accidents

Illinios accident lawyer, Illinois slip and fall attorney, Illnois personal injury attorney,With the winter weather here, Illinois can become icy this time of year which means slippery streets. If you were to slip and fall on someone’s property, the owner may become responsible for your accident. However, there are some instances when the property owner is not held accountable for your injuries. Take precautions this year by understanding some important questions you may decide to ask if you are injured in a slip and fall accident.

Who is responsible for my injury resulting from a slip and fall accident?

Just because you fall on someone’s property does not mean that they are always responsible for the accident. There may be a number of reasons as to why you fell that have nothing to do with the owner. Yes, it could be the property owners fault but if it is not their fault then it might be yours. This is important to keep in mind when determining liability. Remember, if the owner of the premise caused the spill or other slippery or dangerous surface then they are legally responsible for the injuries you suffered.

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How Social Media Can Affect Your Personal Injury Case

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Uncategorized

Illinois accident attorney, Illinois personal injury lawyer, Illinois car crash lawyer,In today’s society, social media has made it easy for anyone that has internet access to find out personal information with just a few clicks of a mouse. Once you post, comment, or send something on any social platform, it is out there for the world to see. Most of the time, the only people that are paying close attention to what you share online are your friends and family. However, there may come a time when you choose to share important information about a personal injury case and the wrong person sees it and makes comments that can affect the outcome of your case.

The Evolution of Social Networks

Over the last decade, a lot of changes have happened regarding social networks. They have created policies and procedures that are made to validate certain comments and disclose confidential information. If necessary, in court, the judge may rule that a claimant or plaintiff must disclose their social media login information if a specific request is made. Because of this, most social channels have created methods for people to download their full profile history. According to the Snapchat transparency report, between the dates of November 1, 2014, and February 28, 2015, the company received 375 requests for data on 666 user accounts in the United States. This just further shows that publishing this type of personal information on social media does not offer much help to a claim.

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Preventing and Surviving Rollover Accidents

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Car Accidents

Illinois accident attorney, Illinois personal injury lawyer, Illinois car crash lawyer,Rollover accidents can happen in any vehicle, in any weather, and under any circumstances. However, they are more common in certain situations and in specific vehicles. You can improve your chances of surviving such accidents by understanding these situations, and knowing which vehicles may be problematic. The following information explains further.

How Serious Is the Problem?

It is estimated that only about three percent of all serious crashes involve the rollover of a vehicle. However, these accidents account for about 30 percent of all traffic accident fatalities. Those at the greatest risk are those who are unbelted since rollovers can result in one being tossed throughout the cabin or ejected from the vehicle. Yet even belted drivers can suffer fatality.

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New AAA Survey Reveals Alarming Statistics of Dangerous Driving Behaviors

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Car Accidents

dangerous driving behaviors, Orland Park Personal Injury AttorneyNational statistics reveal that in 2015, more than 35,000 people were killed in traffic accidents—an increase of more than 7 percent. This is the largest year-to-year increase in 50 years.

Despite all the attempts to educate people about the importance of safe driving, a new survey reveals that too many drivers on the roads continue to engage in risky and dangerous driving behaviors that often leave to motor vehicle accidents. This was particularly true for millennial drivers—those between the ages of 19 to 24.

The survey was conducted by the American Automobile Association (AAA) and asked drivers about the behaviors they may have engaged in within the past 30 days of the survey. The dangerous behaviors included texting and driving, speeding, and running red lights.

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New Illinois Law Allows Motorcycles to Add Blue Rear Lights

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Orland Park Personal Injury Lawyer

Illinois law, motorcycles-Orland Park Pedal bikes are not the only form of transportation that received new law implementations on January 1, 2017. Updates to the Illinois Vehicle Code were also put into place—updates that some are calling the “blue light” bill.

Motorcyclists are now permitted to be equipped with a blue light or multiple lights. These lights can be located on the rear of a motorcyclist's bike as part of his or her rear stop lamp or lamps.

This new law—HB 4105—was put into effect as a means to try and lessen the number of motorcycle accidents that occur annually in the state of Illinois. Because riders are now allowed to add blue lights on the back of their motorcycles, a contrast of colors with the red and blue lights will occur. This variation of the contrasting colors will help to make the brakes more visible for fellow drivers on the road. When a motorcyclist pushes on his or her brakes with the addition of the blue rear light, those driving behind the motorcyclist will be more likely to notice the contrasting colors clearer and faster.

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FDA Warns of Link Between Breast Implants and Cancer

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Medical Malpractice

breast implants and cancer, Orland Park Malpractice AttorneyA new statement from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning women of a link between breast implants and a certain type of cancer. According to national statistics, approximately 300,000 women receive breast implants each year, making the surgery one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in the country.

According to the warning issued by the FDA, as of February 1, 2017, they had received 359 reports of anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), which is cancer of the immune system, that were linked to breast implants. In nine of the reports, the women had died. The majority of the reported cancers—203—were women who had been implanted with textured implants. The other 28 women had received smooth implants.

The FDA also reported that 312 of the reports specified what type of fill was used in the implants of the women who developed ALCL. Silicone gel was used in 186 of the reports and saline was used in 126 of the reports.

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Safety Tips for Cyclists

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Bicycle Safety

safety tips for cyclists, Orland Park Bicycle Accident AttorneySpring has officially arrived and that means more outdoor activity for Illinois residents. One of the most popular outdoor activities is bicycling, both for pleasure and fitness. Many cyclists also use their bikes as a primary vehicle for getting around in the warm weather months. And although bike riding offers many health and pleasure benefits, it can also be dangerous trying to maneuver around busy city streets and suburban roads which are often populated with distracted and impatient vehicle drivers.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were 736 people killed while riding bicycles last year, an increase from 2015 when 726 people were killed. Another 44,000 bicyclists were injured. The average age of cyclists killed is 45-years-old, and 88 percent of victims were male. Not surprisingly, more than 70 percent of fatal crashes occurred in urban areas

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Seat Belts Really Do Save Lives

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Car Accidents

seat belts save lives, Orland Park Car Accident AttorneyOne of the simplest—yet most effective—ways to protect yourself from injuries in the event of a car crash is to use your seat belt. Using a seat belt reduces the risk of fatal injury to people in the front seat of a passenger vehicle by 45 percent. People riding in light trucks who buckle up reduce their risk of a fatal injury by 60 percent. Yet thousands of people are killed each year because they did not buckle up.

The National Numbers

According to national statistics, just under 36,000 victims were killed in crashes in 2015, and almost half of them—48 percent—were not wearing a seat belt. Crash studies have determined that almost 3,000 of those victims would have survived the crash if they were wearing seat belts. These studies also determined that almost 14,000 people who were involved in car crashes in 2015 did survive because they made sure they had on their seat belt.

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Bicycle Safety Tips

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Bicycle Safety

bicycle accident victim, bicycle accidents, bicycle safety tips, bicycle traffic accidents, Orland Park bicycle accident attorneyThe warm weather has finally arrived in Illinois. Along with that warm weather comes warm weather activities. One of the most popular is bike riding. Many people take advantage of the summer months to commute to work or as an alternative to hitting the inside of the gym. Unfortunately, the warm weather also brings an increase in bicycle accidents and injuries.

According to national statistics, there are more than 700 people killed in bicycle traffic accidents each year. Another 50,000 are injured. And although you may think that the most vulnerable age group to bicycle accidents are children, the average age of bicyclists who are killed is 45. Additionally, most fatalities occur between the hours of 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. So how can bicyclists protect themselves from being in a bicycle accident?

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How Dangerous is a Whiplash Injury?

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Car Accidents

Orland Park personal injury attorney, whiplash injury, car accident injuries, chronic pain, neck painOne of the most common injuries suffered in car accidents is whiplash. This is particularly true in rear-end collisions. Approximately 120,000 people sustain whiplash each year. Yet while the injuries are usually minor, a victim can end up with permanent damage if not treated properly.

What is Whiplash?

Whiplash occurs when a person’s head is moved forward and backward with great force. This force can cause the ligaments and muscles of the neck to pull beyond their normal range of motion. Although one of the most common causes of whiplash is motor vehicle accidents, this injury can occur in any type of accident which causes this type of force on the head, such as falls, sports accidents, or physical assault.

For minor whiplash injuries, doctors usually recommend rest and avoiding any kind of heavy physical activity. More serious cases can result in the need for extensive physical rehabilitation and/or surgery. When this happens, accident victims often face high medical expenses, as well as loss of income from being unable to work.

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