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Spinal Cord Injuries and Car Accidents

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Uncategorized

Illinios accident lawyer, Illinois truck crash attorney, Illnois personal injury attorney,Although injuries to the spinal cord can be caused by violence, disease, and falls, auto accidents account for half of all new spinal cord injuries. An injury to the spinal cord can have lasting effects, including permanent paralyzation. Advances in technology have allowed people with nervous system damage to live comfortable and productive lives, but there is still no cure for spinal cord injuries. If a person is injured severely due to the negligence of another driver, they deserve compensation for their pain and suffering.

Damage to any part of the spinal cord, or nerve ends of the spinal canal, will impact functionality or sensation based on the location and severity of the injury. Depending on the injury caused by the car, truck, or motorcycle accident, a victim of spinal cord damage may experience the following:

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What Compensation Can Be Gained After a Truck Accident

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Truck Accidents

 Illinios accident lawyer, Illnois personal injury attorney, Illinois wrongful death lawyerAny accident on the road can be traumatizing, but getting in an accident with a semi-truck can produce especially fatal or life-changing results. Commercial trucks weigh significantly more than other passenger vehicles, so any impact with a truck can destroy your car and produce serious injuries. The majority of deaths in truck collisions are people in passenger cars according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. In 2017, over 4,000 people in the United States were victim to truck accidents compared to 683 deaths of truck occupants in the same year.

How Do Truck Accidents Happen?

Although there are precautions made by truck drivers and suppliers, fatal accidents involving large commercial trucks still occur. When a driver is responsible for negligence, it is most commonly due to overworking. There are laws in place to prevent truck drivers from overworking. A fatigued driver is less aware of what is on the road and will have a delayed reaction time, that otherwise could have saved lives. A truck accident can also occur because of poorly maintained equipment. It is the truck company’s responsibility to keep unsafe trucks and trucking equipment off the road. Additionally, a truck driver should also be aware of how a truck is performing and report any overlooked or occurred damage. Poor weather conditions also contribute to the reasons truck accidents happen. With the size and weight of semi-trucks, they take longer to stop. If a truck driver is going too fast for the weather and needs to stop suddenly, no amount of reaction time will prevent the truck from sliding into traffic.

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Dog Bites: Unfamiliar Dogs and Children in the Spring

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Dog Bites

Illinios accident lawyer, Illnois personal injury attorney, IL wrongful death lawyerAs the Midwest begins to warm up in the spring, people in the Chicagoland area take advantage of every nice day they can. Comfortable temperatures mean it is the perfect time for dog owners to take their beloved pets on a walk and parents to take their kids to play outside. With more animals outside in warmer weather, the likelihood of a dog bite increases.

Why Do Dogs Bite?

Dogs are a popular pet, and over 36% of American households own at least one. They are considered “man’s best friend” but it is important to remember that no matter how friendly a dog is, they are still an animal that acts independently. Even a well-trained dog may bite when threatened. In most cases, a dog bites in reaction to something. They might be startled, or defending territory like food. If a dog is scared or approached by an unfamiliar stressor, a bite may be a form of self-defense. A sick dog may bite if they would prefer to be left alone.

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Recreational Marijuana Comes to Illinois

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Uncategorized

By:  Kal Issa

Governor Pritzker, who has long touted marijuana reform as one of his concerns when running for the gubernatorial seat, will finally have the opportunity to enact a law long desired by a large number of Illinois citizens. The Illinois General Assembly has passed House Bill 1438 and it now awaits Governor Pritzker’s signature.

House Bill, known as The Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act set out a guideline of how marijuana sales and marijuana possession will be regulated.  It also completely decriminalizes the possession of certain amounts of Cannabis. Prior to the effective date of the new law, which is January 1, 2020, possession of less than 10 grams of Cannabis is a civil offense punishable by fine only, more than 10 grams but less than 30 grams is a Class B Misdemeanor and more than 30 grams could be charged as Class A Misdemeanor or a Felony depending on the amount actually possessed.

The new Cannabis law allows an Illinois resident 21 years of age or older to lawfully possess up to 30 grams of the Cannabis flower, up to 500 milligrams of THC contained in Cannabis related products and up to 5 grams of Cannabis concentrate. If you are not an Illinois resident, the law will still allow possession of Cannabis or THC, but at half of the above amounts.

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Recreational Marijuana and Criminal Records

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Criminal Law

By:  Kal Issa

With the passing of House Bill 1438, which allows for the legal possession of Cannabis, many individuals who have had criminal records based on the mere possession of certain amounts of marijuana will have the opportunity to have their criminal record wiped clean. That is because the bill will provide those individuals the ability to have their arrests, cases, and convictions expunged, making it as if it never happened at all.

House Bill 1438, known as The Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act, amends the Criminal Identification Act, which addresses the sealing and or expunging of certain criminal offenses. Sealing allows a record to be hidden from public view, while still being accessible to certain entities. Expungement, on the other hand, allows for the complete obliteration of a criminal record, essentially wiping the past away.

The new law allows previous “minor Cannabis offenses” to be completely removed from an individual’s history so long as the arrest, charge or disposition was for a Cannabis related offense involving less than 30 grams. This includes not only mere possession of Cannabis but even Possession with Intent to Deliver, Delivery of Cannabis or Manufacturing Cannabis. However, the prior offense must not be for delivering (or intending to deliver) to a minor nor can the offense have been associated with a violent crime.

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Pedestrian Accidents in Illinois

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Car Accidents

Illinois pedestrian accident attorney, IL pedestrian accident lawyer, pedestrian accident, Even while taking safety precautions as a pedestrian, it is still possible to get hit by a car or truck. In the United States, there were just under 6,000 pedestrian deaths in 2017. Although this was a decrease from the years prior, it is estimated that a pedestrian died every 88 minutes as a result of a pedestrian accident in the same year. Many more have been injured as a result of getting hit by a car. A pedestrian has little outward protection from a vehicle hitting them on the road. Head trauma, broken bones, or spinal damage are possible injuries a pedestrian can face. When faced with an auto-pedestrian accident, it is important to know your rights.

Getting hit by a car can be a traumatic experience. After a pedestrian accident, it is important to make your safety a priority. If possible, remove yourself from immediate danger such as in the middle of the road. If your injuries are too severe, try to get assistance in order to move or have a safety warning until authorities arrive. Once safe, call 911 to report the accident. This will alert the police to come to the scene of the accident to begin an accident report. Statements will be taken from yourself and the driver. If you are able, take photographs of the scene, including your injuries. The more information you can gather, the more it can help your case when filing an insurance claim.

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Most Common Workplace Accidents

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Workers Comp

reportFrom office workers to construction workers, it is possible for any person at work to become injured on the job. Some of the reasons people need to file for workers’ compensation overlap despite being in different industries. Luckily, no matter how dangerous a job can be, most employees are covered by workers’ compensation.

What Is Workers’ Compensation?

No matter how large or small a business is, most employers are required to have workers’ compensation insurance. This provides protection to employees in the event they are injured as a result of conditions at work. Every employee is entitled to workers’ compensation benefits if they qualify for it. For example, an employee falling off a ladder and obtaining an injury that prevents them from working for a short period would likely qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. An employee who was recklessly engaged in drugs or alcohol while at work, and fell off a ladder, would likely not qualify for workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation pays for missed wages as well as medical care as a result of a workplace accident.

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Who Is Responsible for a Pedestrian Accident?

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Car Accidents

Illinios accident lawyer, Illnois personal injury attorney, Illinois pedestrian accident lawyerPedestrian accidents can be fatal and it may seem obvious who is at fault for the accident, Illinois law may see it a different way. Although pedestrian deaths were down from the year prior, 5,977 people in the United States lost their lives due to being hit by a car.

As a fault state, Illinois breaks down damages by whose fault the accident was. When it comes to pedestrian accidents, it breaks down to who has the right of way. This is the legal right for a vehicle or pedestrian to proceed first when on the road. For example, at a four-way stop, the first driver to arrive at the intersection has the right of way, and then the driver to the right then has the legal right to cross.

There are two opportunities where a pedestrian can be hit while crossing the street - in a crosswalk and outside a crosswalk. Crosswalks are the safest point for people to cross, and pedestrians are often given the right of way - but that does not mean that a pedestrian cannot be blamed for an accident in a crosswalk. It is unlawful to cross in front of a moving vehicle close enough to cause danger to yourself and the driver. If there is no light system, then drivers must yield to pedestrians crossing the street in the crosswalk if the people on foot are halfway, or further, across the road. Drivers behind a stopped vehicle at a crosswalk may not lawfully pass.

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Understanding Wrongful Death in Illinois

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Wrongful Death

Illinios accident lawyer, Illinois wrongful death attorney, Illnois personal injury attorney,It is inevitable that we are to lose loved ones due to old age or an accident. However, when a loved one is lost unexpectedly due to another person’s negligence, it is the surviving family that suffers. The average cost for a funeral in Illinois is $10,000 including cemetery plans. If the head of a household is lost unexpectedly, the surviving family may not be able to make ends meet with a sudden loss of a family member and funeral costs to attend to. When a person’s death can be connected to another’s wrongdoing, the surviving family may be able to sue for wrongful death.

What Is Wrongful Death?

Wrongful death is when another party can be held responsible for the death of an individual through a wrongful act. If the act had not been followed through, whether negligence or default, then the death would not have occurred. Wrongful deaths can occur in many aspects of law including auto accidents, medical malpractice, and workplace accidents. For example, if a person dies as the result of a drunk driver, their surviving family could file for wrongful death because the accident would likely not have happened if the driver was sober and following the law.

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Making an Insurance Claim After an Accident with an Uninsured Driver

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Car Accidents

Getting into a car accident is stressful enough, but what happens when there is an uninsured driver involved? Every car owner is required by law to have a certain coverage of liability insurance, however, one out of every eight drivers attempts to avoid responsibility. They may go unnoticed on the road until they are pulled over, or get into a car accident. An uninsured driver may have even had the proper insurance at one time, but canceled due to financial reasons. But, no matter the reasons, it is still possible to get into an accident with an uninsured driver.

What Are the Insurance Requirements in Illinois?

Every state has his or her requirements for the amount of coverage an insurance policy has. Illinois has the following minimum requirements:

  • Property damage: $20,000
  • Death or injury of one person: $25,000
  • Death or injury of more than one person: $50,000
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